Friday, 27 May 2011

Saatchi and Saatchi have created this surreal advert for Walls sausages. I laughed my pants off when I first saw it. Genius.

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Mumbai taxi artists

If only London cabbies were so loving of their taxis. Nice article about the collaboration between Grandmother India and Mumbai taxi artists on the Creative Review site.

Screen print 2

Spent a few hours in the studio yesterday and produced this image (somewhat fuzzy from the trusty old iPhone). It was a bit of a headache as the print room was very hot and the ink was clogging the screen faster than I could print. Just about managed to get 3 decent images out of 6 which is better than nothing. Now to frame it up as the hand-in for the Ochre Annual Show is this Saturday. Yoiks!

Love this too! Just a few years worth of acrylic build up.

Monday, 23 May 2011

Ceramics course @ South Hill Park

A request from my brother-in-law for a toothbrush holder for his new flat. It's waiting for lush, black glaze to be applied before final firing.

A pot. Not sure for what.

...and another pot. I think everyone should be aware they may be getting pots for birthdays and Christmas this year.

One day ceramics results

Ok, so they're nothing particularly earth shattering when it comes to styling, but they are my first attempt on the potters wheel and slab forming. Somewhat bullet proof in thickness, but I've since thrown a few more and learned about turning which has reduced the weight quite considerably.

Work in progress

My first blog entry brings you my first half decent screen print. I'd finally managed to get back into the studio and get my hands (and everything else) dirty. With a gentle reminder on a few things from my wife Melanie, I slapped together 6 prints (named 140 W 13th) as part of a set of two. The original photo was taken last year in New York, of a building just off the Highline which has unfortunately been recently repainted obliterating the said graffiti.

With any luck, the set will be going into the Ochre Print Studio Annual Show from the 18th to 26th June.